Boustead Global Risk Solution Sdn Bhd (BGRS) is one of the top General Insurance agency in the market, we provide a variety of professional insurance solutions services. We work with a range of leading insurers such as Generali Insurance Malaysia Berhad (formerly known as AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad), Chubb Insurance Malaysia Berhad , Takaful Ikhlas General Berhad and Zurich General Takaful Malaysia Berhad. Whatever your insurance solution needs, we are ready to hear you out and provide you with nothing short of the beat you can find. Furthermore, we are ready to tailor special type of insurance plans and services to accommodate your special needs.


BGRS is a member of the UAC Berhad group of companies, a leading manufacturer of cellulose fiber cement boards and have been established for more than 50 years and export to over 60 countries.


‘ A Tradition of Strength and Stability, A Vision of Growth and Excellence’.


Provide quality services by professional, committed and caring employees.



Dignity. Trust. Fair. Open. Honour

What it means to us;

  • We believe in the inherent worth of people and will honour relationships with our fellow employees, our customers, our shareholders, our stakeholders and our community.
  • We measure respect for people by the way we treat each other, by the contributions that flow from our diversity, by the productivity of our relationships, and by a job well done, no matter what the job is.


Honest. Truthful. Conscience. Sincere. Accountability

What it means to us;

  • We adopt open and honest attitudes in all aspects.
  • We adhere to all sets of rules, regulations and guidelines.
  • We perform to our best ability at a very high standard whilst continuously improving the quality of our products and services.


Unity. Harmony. Co-operation. Commitment. Collaboration

What it means to us;

  • We collaborate and work co-operatively across cultures and organizational boundaries to achieve shared goals and work towards solutions which generally benefit all parties involved.
  • We share our beliefs and agree to a common cause to show our commitment to each other’s well being.


Professional. Courage. Pride. Proactive. Competitive

What it means to us;

  • We show and keep our commitment to operate competitively, strive to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills and benchmark ourselves against world-class leaders in our effort for continuous improvement.
  • We demonstrate flexibility as well as courage that highlight our ability to keep ourselves aligned with a world in motion.


  1. To further develop and grow the insurance business in tandem with the increased requirement for insurance and related services from the Group companies.
  2. To further improve efficiency and service levels to all external and internal customers by continuously reviewing work processes and making changes as and when necessary.
  3. To continue prudent and effective cost management by continuously identifying and cutting down excesses.
  4. To explore new business opportunities for mid and long term progression of the company.



Loon Peng Wai
Nazri Suhaimie Bin Mohd Nasir


Head of Boustead Global Risk Solution Sdn Bhd

Surizan Bin Hashim

Head of Finance

Ruhaifizul bin Mohd Nor